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The CallBreakerStorage contract serves as a foundational component in managing the data and state for transaction execution within the CallBreaker ecosystem. It is designed to handle various aspects of data storage, state management, error handling, and event emission, ensuring a robust and efficient execution process.

Key Features

  • Data Storage: The contract maintains several storage structures, including callStore, returnStore, associatedDataKeyList, associatedDataStore, hintIndicesStoreKeyList, and hintIndicesStore, to store transaction details, execution states, and return values.

  • State Management: The portal is the window in during which the execution of a smart transaction bundle takes place. The CallBreaker manages the portal's status (open or closed) and the index of the currently executing transaction, facilitating controlled access and execution flow.


  • onlyPortalOpen: Ensures that certain functions can only be called when the portal is open.
  • onlyPortalClosed: Ensures that certain functions can only be called when the portal is closed, preventing reentrant calls.


  • Portal Status: Functions like isPortalOpen and executingCallIndex provide insights into the portal's current status and the index of the currently executing call.

  • Data Insertion: Functions _insertIntoHintdices and _insertIntoAssociatedDataStore allow for the insertion of key-value pairs into respective storage structures, with checks to prevent duplicate entries.

  • Storage Cleanup: The _cleanUpStorage function resets all storage structures and transfers any remaining ETH balance to the block builder, ensuring a clean state for subsequent operations.

  • Trace Store Management: Functions _resetTraceStoresWith and _getReturn manage the storage and retrieval of call and return objects, facilitating the tracking of transaction execution.


This contract is intended to be used as a base for the CallBreaker contract, providing the necessary infrastructure for data management and state control. It is abstract and requires implementation of its functions within a derived contract that interacts with the CallBreaker ecosystem.


CallBreakerStorage integrates closely with the CallBreaker contract, serving as its data management layer. It ensures that all necessary data for transaction execution is stored, managed, and retrieved efficiently, supporting the CallBreaker contract's execution logic and error handling mechanisms.


The CallBreakerStorage contract is a critical component of the CallBreaker ecosystem, providing robust data management and state control functionalities. Its design and implementation facilitate efficient and secure transaction execution, making it an essential element in the smart contract architecture.